Tag Archives: Taito

Review: Gunslinger Stratos 1&2 Original Soundtrack

While I haven’t played or even seen Square Enix’s Gunslinger Stratos series, gameplay videos look pretty awesome. It’s an anime-style third-person shooter with some amazingly well produced pop rock and metal. There’s everything from heavy metal and J-rock to pop ballads and vocaloid. This compilation album includes the soundtracks to the first two games in the series (there’s a third now), featuring a wide variety of talent from within Square Enix and without.

It all begins with the catchy and upbeat metal track, “Choose Your Way,” which sets the stage for the vocaloid-heavy “DAYS,” the explosive metal-meets-dubstep “Isolated Clash,” the Gothic rock “Boquet de Fleurs Neige,” the Japanese-infused “Golden Dolphins” with rapid-fire koto, the spacey pop-rock “Beyond the Azure,” and the infectious Genki Rockets-flavored “Kimi no Ita Ano Hi ni.” Gunslinger Stratos 2 gets arrangements of several of the tracks from the first game, but also a number of originals including the desperate and spacey rock track “Inferiority Complex” (my personal favorite), the dreamy “Soul Evolution,” the bumping dubstep “9Elements (Nine Elements,” and a beautiful “unplugged” version of “Ending” with piano, strings, and layered vocals.

Fans of J-rock will get a kick out of this soundtrack. There’s some wonderful tracks and great production values throughout. Unfortunately it’s sold out on CD Japan , but keep an eye out on the used market if you’re interested.

Review: Bubble Bobble and Bubble Memories Original Soundtracks

Here’s another taste of Taito after the review of Darius II earlier this week.

Bubble Bobble is easily one of my favorite games on the NES. An emphasis on food, secret levels, a drunken last boss, and of course, bubbles make it one of the most memorable NES games in my mind, so the music evokes a certain sense of nostalgia in me.

Taito has released the arcade soundtrack as well as that of Bubble Memories on iTunes Japan, so I thought it would be a good time to jump back into my youth and given them a listen. Continue reading Review: Bubble Bobble and Bubble Memories Original Soundtracks


Taito’s Hisayoshi “OGR” Ogura did quite a job on the Darius series. The quirky shooter title has some equally interesting music, and this version stands out even further as the Mega Drive version, so get ready for some tasty FM synthesis in our review below. Continue reading Review: DARIUS II ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK -MD ver.-